
The presentation of the Ceršak Bridge at the “Mura connects” kickoff conference

On Monday in Šentilj, the project for an international cyclist’s footbridge over the Mura River in Ceršak, designed by Ponting Bridges, was introduced to the public and local media. The kickoff conference of the international ˝Mura connects˝ project, named ˝Bridge/Brücke˝ was organized by the Municipality of Šentilj in cooperation with the neighboring Austrian Municipality of Straß in Steiermark.

The new wooden suspension footbridge will connect Slovenia (Ceršak) and Austria (Murfeld). It will be the main link over the bordering Mura River, along the international cyclist’s path between the border crossing point Šentilj and the downstream bridge in Črnci near Gornja Radgona.  

The bridge will consist of two parallel glulam timber beams, suspended with high-strength steel cables, via steel frames. The steel ropes will be attached to pylons of massive concrete abutments, on either side of the Mura River. The total length of the bridge, approach ramps included, is approximately 96 meters, the clear structural span amounts 86 meters, and the bridge clear width is 3.5 m. The bridge will be built above the flood level, without supports in the riverbed.

The project will be co-financed from the Slovenia-Austria Interreg program. Construction of the bridge is expected to start in March next year, as it is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.

Learn more: Footbridge Ceršak